The part of dentistry that deals with various conditions and diseases of the supporting apparatus of the teeth, i.e., all the tissues that hold the teeth firmly in the jawbone.
Services we offer:
Treatment of periodontitis, the second most common disease in humans, after caries, which is the main cause of tooth loss in people over 50 years old. The therapeutic procedures we apply in the treatment of periodontitis include:
Conservative treatment:
Tartar removal
Treatment of periodontal pockets
Surgical treatment – a flap of surgery that, depending on the size of the bone destruction, is combined with a bone substitute with PRF or membranes.
Recession therapy (movement of the level of the gingiva – gums – in front of the top of the tooth root):
SMAT (free mucogingival graft)
Connective tissue transplant
Various periodontal interventions that are applied as part of orthodontic, prosthetic therapy or for aesthetic reasons:
Extension of the clinical crown of the tooth